Research Partners Retention conducts stay interviews for your business.

As a neutral third party, we help facilitate these conversations that can be held in one of two ways:

1. Offering your employees anonymity, in situations where it may be beneficial for them to feel that they have a safe space to be truly candid with their answers.

2. Alternatively we can provide a customised solution based on individual employee conversations so that the business can hear why each person chooses to stay or go.

Data provided will allow you to make a positive and lasting impact on your business by improving engagement, retention and fostering a positive and more productive work environment.


When to use stay interviews

Stay interviews enable employers to understand employees’ expectations to improve retention rates. Additionally, stay interviews show employees that they are valued, as the interview is about learning what is important to them in order to stay at the organisation.

How do you determine who receives a stay interview?

This depends entirely on the organization and the insight they wish to unlock. Organizations generally target the following employees for stay interviews:

  • Teams with a high turnover rate
  • Underperforming teams
  • Diverse employees (gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation)
  • Positions that are difficult to replace
  • Millennials
  • C-Suite

Benefits of Outsourcing

True anonymity: As a neutral third party we build a rapport with your employees. We don’t share specifics on employees. We take a pulse on the entire department instead of just the individual.

More meaningful data: As an impartial facilitator, we create a safe space for your employees so they share their honest feedback and experiences.

Consistency: A uniform process allows for the most accurate and impactful data to be collected.

Expertise: Our experienced team can advise on which interview questions will work best for you and your business.

Data presentation: Our data analysts will interpret the data collected and present it concisely, focusing on areas that will create the most impact.

Savings: You save money, resources and time by utilising experts in this area rather than having to train your managers.

Throwing copious amounts of company resources at recruiting new employees is normalized. Doing the same to get current employees to stay is not.

Research Partners Retention can help to set your Stay Campaign up for success

Research Partners take the time to understand your business and support your organisation with various analysis to identify areas of strength and weakness with your current retention strategy, as each organisation, situation and objective is unique.

Research Partners can assist in the following areas:

  • Retention audits.
  • Identify and target employee segments and work with management to develop solutions to retain talent.
  • Determine stakeholder responsibilities.
  • Create stay interview questions relevant to your campaign.
  • How to integrate data from exit interviews, engagement surveys, and stay interviews for optimum success.

Turn Insight into Action – What to do After the Interview

Retention interviews are only beneficial when action is taken based on the data that has been collected. It is counteractive to ask for employee feedback and then do nothing with it as this may lead to distrust and dissatisfaction.

Action starts by evaluating the interview. After the data has been assessed we then have the option to:

  • Link the data to the job function rather than the individual to ensure that the data is unbiased and anonymous.
  • Customise the data based on individual employee conversations so that the business can hear why each person stays or may choose to go.
  • Develop a ranking system to determine the risk level of the team or the department.
  • Provide insight and present tailored retention solutions.