Mar 31

How Relocation Can Help Your Life & Your Career

Yellow road warning sign Dream Job Ahead 3d render

Given the expansive network of potential job candidates that is now at the fingertips of every recruitment firm, a growing number of hiring managers and recruiters are headhunting individuals who live hundreds if not even thousands of miles away for a position within an organisation. While a number of job seekers are wary of taking that giant leap, more and more job candidates are willing if not even excited at the chance of relocating to a new city. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why.

1. A Fresh Start to a New Career

Since the global recession a few years back, a number of corporations and organisations were forced to close their doors, leaving some cities seemingly devoid of any real employment opportunities. Then there are others which have always suffered high unemployment rates or only offer jobs in a few choice industries. Being willing to relocate means opening up the world of job opportunities for yourself as well as the opportunity to grow and move up within an organisation. But you aren’t just moving up in any organisation; rather, you’re moving up in one which you have specifically chosen for yourself and have decided is the best fit for you.

2. Broadening Cultural and Geographical Perspectives

Living in an area for some time gives you great insight into the community’s cultural norms and how the society of that distinct area operates. By stepping beyond the boundaries of that city and relocating, you’re introducing yourself to a brand new understanding of how global markets work and the logistics that go into it. Plus, you are taking with you the insight of your previous market location which is an asset to any corporation. This creates a fantastic opportunity for you to investigate, learn, and even gain a competitive advantage over other similar candidates who haven’t been exposed to other countries or cultures for future job offers.

3. Exposing Yourself to a Growing Global Market

Working in another city or country not only allows you to learn more about the job or organisation, but it also allows you to learn more about yourself— and that’s only the beginning. Challenging yourself and exposing your talents to unknown territories builds upon a new set of experience that admirably says you are adaptable, you take initiatives and embrace new challenges. Here’s also a few other things to consider how relocation affects you:

  1. Joining a growing global market means expanding your network of professional and personal contacts. Having connections in different parts of the world can provide helpful opportunities for you and your career.
  2. You’re challenging yourself, knowingly or unknowingly, to gain intangible skills. No matter what, it’s a win-win situation because whatever happens you learn about the business market, and you can take that with you wherever you go. If it doesn’t work out you can always take something from it and apply it to your knowledge of the market.
  3. Setting off and relocating can make you more marketable and desirable to prospective employers, particularly those who operate internationally. The traveled candidate may suggest an openness to embrace global market changes in the world and therefore highlights an excitement for diversity and an active interest for things. Even the influential philosopher Saint Augustine agrees when he says:

    “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

    Likewise, if you only know one country’s or city’s market, how prepared will you be to tackle the international arena?

    couple eating icecream taking selfie on holiday vacation travel

  4. Lastly, if you love traveling anyway, relocating has many perks where you can become a tourist all over again. But rather than being a short term visitor, you can delve right into a whole new culture and way of seeing the world without being swept away by the regular 9-5 routine. Evenings and weekends can offer opportunities to network with the locals and explore the sights and attractions that may only be a stone throw away. A chance to discover and fall in love with your new environment and build your own cultural expertise.

Top Five Places to Relocate to

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) recently took on a 200,000 person survey from 189 cities to figure out which cities were the best to move to. The top choice? London. According to the 2014 study, nearly two-thirds of workers globally say they would take a job abroad. Here are the top five:

  • London:
    What gave London top marks was the city’s wide range of job opportunities in a variety of industries, as well as the fact that the area has some of the world’s most beloved cultural attractions.


  • New York City:
    Much like London, New York offers a variety of job opportunities in numerous niches and industries. Another huge draw for this city: the diversification of culture. Pockets of almost any culture, big or small, can be found on the streets of New York City, allowing almost anyone from anywhere feel at home.
  • Paris:
    Job opportunities abound in Paris, but the culture of this city is what makes it an attractive relocation spot for many job candidates.


  • Sydney:
    Australia is different, but not so different that English-speaking job seekers from the UK, the USA, and Canada feel intimidated about relocating to this booming city.
  • Madrid:
    Rounding off the list is Madrid, Spain. Often referred to as the best ‘human capital’ in the world, Madrid is a desirable spot because of its culture, its contemporary lifestyle, and the number of potential jobs available to candidates.

A picture of a young couple cycling in the city

These are only a few of the top-cited reasons why relocating for a new job might be for you. Ultimately its a life decision that can impact you in many ways. Relocation can have an influence not only on your business goals, but on your social, family and personal life. But as you thrust yourself into new opportunities that may seem daunting at first, you also become part of situations you may have never even imagined, part of new influences, life changes and doors of opportunities, that may have not opened whilst living through the comfort of one culture, one city, or one mindset.

Feel free to share what you think and your experiences in the comments below.

About The Author

Natalie Heilling is an International Executive Search Consultant and Co-Founder of Research Partners running various recruitment campaigns across Europe, North America, and Asia while helping clients reach their hiring targets with peace of mind. Natalie has worked in Technology and eCommerce for the last 20 years and helped US companies confidently establish themselves in Europe and emerging markets.

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